China will further increase the supply of necessities including fresh vegetables, meat, grain and oil to central Hubei Province, said Lian Weiliang, a National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) official, at a press conference in Beijing on Monday. Meanwhile, China will also take more effective measures to ensure the supply of various daily necessities nationwide amid the novel coronavirus outbreak, he added.
Officials from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Commerce, National Health Commission and State Administration for Market Regulation also attended the press conference. 全国日产口罩2000多万只复工复产需要一定时间
Shortages of masks and test kits
to be resolved soon
The shortage of mask supply has been mitigated but it still needs more time to fully solve the problem as manufactures are returning to work, said Tian Yulong, chief engineer of the MIIT.
As of February 2, the MIIT has coordinated with mask producers to ship 145,500 pieces of medical protective clothing and 135,600 N95 masks to Hubei. They have said that 131,200 and 130,000 have arrived, respectively. "China's overall production capacity of masks is more than 20 million pieces per day, the largest production capacity in the world. The production capacity of N95 masks and medical-surgical masks still needs some time to recover," Tian added.
关于不少企业担心将来会不会产能过剩的问题,国家发展改革委副主任连维良在发布会上明确表示,疫情过后富余的产量,政府将进行收储。只要符合标准企业可以开足马力组织生产。在使用方面,科学使用、合理使用也至关重要,也就是说要按需使用,按功能使用,避免过度使用,特别是一般的防护,不要挤占宝贵的医用资源。Amid a shortage, China is encouraging mask factories to increase production, according to Lian Weiliang; addressing concerns about oversupply, Lian said any extra would go into central reserve; he also called on residents to be prudent with mask use.
Regarding the supply of nucleic acid reagent test kits for the novel coronavirus, Tian said the production capacity is recovering. By February 1, the daily output of test kits had reached 773,000, equivalent to 40 times that of suspected patients.Current production ability, of 60 to 70 percent, is still improving from the Spring Festival break, but it has basically met the requirements, Tian said. 加强日常物资市场供给保障下一步有何具体措施?
China vows to beef up
supply of daily necessities
amid coronavirus outbreak
Strict measures, like banning travel in and out of the city of Wuhan, have been imposed since January 23, in an effort to contain the spread of the virus. Some daily necessities have seen price spikes as the city's logistics suffered disruptions. 连维良表示,通过各方面共同努力,从目前情况看,武汉市和湖北省的生活必需品总量是有保障的,价格在阶段性上升后也开始回落,全国其他地区供应也是相对充裕和有保障的。Lian said various measures have been implemented to ensure the supply of basic necessities, and prices have fallen by now.
"The supply level of daily necessities is reflected in the prices," Lian said.湖北省,以武汉市为例,在刚实施交通管制措施时,部分生活必需品的价格一度明显上涨,现在也已经趋于回落。In Hubei Province, taking Wuhan as an example, when traffic control measures were implemented, the prices of some daily necessities increased significantly, but now they have fallen, Lian said.
但同时,也暴露出不少不够协调和需要迅速解决的问题。比如,鲜叶菜的供应还存在品种等结构性矛盾;有些生活必需品由于物流影响,补货不及时;外部一些物资因为防疫管控要求,运输转换衔接不到位;保障生活必需品供应的企业复工复产还面临用工、产业链配套等方面的困难等等。这些问题正在加紧协调解决,有些已有进展,有些也将加快予以解决。He recognized that problems have emerged in the coordination of transportation, particularly regarding the supply of leafy vegetables and the replenishment of products. However, Lian said that the problems regarding the supply chain and employees returning to work at companies manufacturing daily necessities are being dealt with.
针对下一步复工复产,还有春节假期之后生活需求增加的情况,国家发改委在保障方面重点是做好四个方面的工作:增供应、稳价格、优秩序、保重点。To further tackle the challenges of goods supply, the NDRC has made a series of plans: To increase supply, to promote orderly resumption of work and production, to enhance supervision and distribution of goods, and to increase the ability to reserve goods, according to Lian.
下一步,各部门和各地方将认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院决策部署,采取更为有效的措施保障好各类生活必需品的供应。加强与湖北供需对接,增加新鲜疏菜供应;协调中粮集团、中储粮集团、中盐集团等增加米面油肉盐的供应;The government will coordinate with vegetable production areas and enterprises that supply staple foods, meat products, oil and salt, and strengthen their connection with Hubei Province to ensure supply. 在严格落实防控措施的前提下,有序复工复产。推动保障疫情防控、能源供应、交通物流、城市运行、医用物资和生活必需品,及其他涉及国计民生的企业复工复产。Meanwhile, the NDRC will continue working on promoting prevention and control of the epidemic, energy supply, transportation and logistics, urban operations, medical supplies, daily necessities, and the resumption of work of enterprises involved in the national economy and people's livelihood.疫情不会改变中国经济长期向好多家电商推出“不接触配送”服务
E-commerce and logistics
during the outbreak
连维良表示,目前正处于春运期间,各种交通方式旅客发送量都明显下降,电影票房、旅游收入和餐饮收入同比也明显下滑。但同时,网上购物、网上订餐、网上娱乐等数字经济新业态十分活跃。需要强调的是,这种影响是阶段性的、暂时性的,不会改变中国经济长期向好的基本面。Lian said the coronavirus's influence on the economy is momentary and economic growth in the long run is still positive; there is a notable drop in the culture, tourism, catering and transportation sectors, but e-commerce is booming.
交通运输部副部长刘小明说,中国邮政、顺丰、京东等企业也发挥各自的优势,有效保障了春节期间各地群众的基本需求。Vice Minister of Transport Liu Xiaoming said that enterprises such as China Post, SF Express, and JD.com helped in the transportation of essential items to the virus affected areas throughout the Spring Festival period. 后续还有13家大型快递企业开通了救援物资的绿色通道。截至2月2日,中国邮政集团组织开行了邮政车3.2万班次、邮政航空专机5架次,运送防疫物资的专机共计运送口罩、药品等防疫物资4.9万箱件,大大缓解了运输紧张的局面。Thirteen other large express delivery companies followed suit and opened green channels for relief supplies. As of February 2, China Post Group organized the 32,000 postal cars for delivery and five special postal flights. They carrying epidemic prevention goods included 49,000 cases of masks and medicines, which greatly eased the transportation pressure, Liu said.
商务部副部长王炳南表示,在疫情发生以后,网购既可以满足居民生活的需要,也能减轻人员聚集带来的风险。Vice Minister of Commerce Wang Bingnan said that e-commerce has been helpful for people to access daily necessities and medical protective goods, when staying at home to reduce the risks of being infected.他说为了确保配送环节的安全,多家电商推出了“不接触配送”服务新模式,顾客与配送员约定好,把物资送到某个位置,实现无接触送货,减少传染风险。这种模式已经从湖北向全国普及推广。As to ensure the safety during distribution, many e-commerce companies have launched a new model of "non-contact delivery" service. Customers and distributors agree to put parcels at a certain location, so that the delivery is contactless to reduce the risk of infection.He added that this model is being promoted throughout China.推荐阅读: